Campaign Manager - Creative Builder

Re-importing A File Into A Look-Up Table

Re-import data into a Look-Up Table if any changes have been made to the file since the data was imported.


  1. Select the Look-Up Tables tab from the Overview screen.
  2. Select the relevant Look-Up Table and click Edit.
  3. Select Import Data.
  4. Click Browse to search for the updated file.
  5. Click Next.
  6. To amend the mappings click on the drop-down arrow for the mapping in the Import to Column column.

As the data has been imported before the Source Column and the Import to Column will be mapped.

  1. Check the Erase and Replace Current Data check box to make amendments to the existing data set.

If you have just added data to the file you will not need to select this check box.

  1. Click Done.
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